Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Little drawing I did a week ago


Ancient lovers believed a kiss would literally unite their souls, because the spirit was said to be carried in one's breath. A.M. C/S

Monday, May 28, 2012

My New tattoo the "Atom" done by my buddy Redd Moreno using stipple style tattooing

Sunday, May 27, 2012

When our ancestors first traded the liberty of hunting and gathering in the forests
for the hard labor of the fixed farming life, they laid the foundations for the world we live
in today. In place of gifts and sharing, we have competition and the “scarcity economy,”
which develops and manufactures more and more new commodities in order that something
may still be scarce enough to fight over. In place of our faith that nature would
provide for us as its children, we have the defenses science affords us as it spins the last of
our natural resources into war machines and waste. In place of the joys of wandering new
and changing landscapes, we have cities that double as corporate theme parks, linked by
dual tourist and commuter tracks. . . while the final fugitive aspects of existence are reduced
to binar y code for virtual reality. We won’t trust anything to chance—and thus
chance cannot entrust us with anything greater than our routines, our expectations, our
control manias.
Perhaps this world will never be free of misfortunes—people will always die before
they are ready, just as perfect relationships will end in r uins, adventures be cut short by
catastrophes, and beautiful moments be forgotten. But what is most heartbreaking is the
way we flee from those inevitable truths into the arms of more horrible things. It may be
true that ever y man is fundamentally on his own, and that life is capricious and sometimes
cruel—but it doesn’t have to be true that some people starve while others destroy
food or buy mansions. It doesn’t have to be that men and women are forced to waste their
lives away working to serve the hollow greed of a few rich men, just to survive; it doesn’t
have to be that we let meaningless traditions and doctrines autopilot our lives into bewildering
voids. It doesn’t have to be that we never dare to tell each other what we really want,
to share ourselves honestly, to use our talents and capabilities to make life more bearable—
let alone more beautiful. That’s unnecessary tragedy, stupid tragedy, pathetic and pointless.
It’s not even utopian to demand that we put an end to farces like these. It is simply our fear
of trying and failing with success in reach that restrains us from letting ourselves believe
that these absurdities can be transcended. But fear, once recognized for what it is, can ser ve
a different purpose: if we make a practice of doing what we fear most, it will guide us with
more certainty than any compass over the unnecessary boundaries we have built around
ourselves, and into ne w worlds.
Let us be great enough to follow our fears out of this darkness, to recognize and face
the real, inescapable tragedies of our lives, and to contest the rest without hesitation or
doubt. Could it be that the bountiful jungles of old still wait for us somewhere beyond the
edges of this factory farm civilization, and that all we have to do to be free is to drop the
anxieties and tools of control, and set out into them?
Against the farcist pigs! Smash farcism! Be Free!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

So yesterday in between my tattoos took a minute to get some pictures of the great solar eclipse these are the best pictures I was able to get ,I don't know many facts and theories and beliefs on the significance of this most rare event but I know at this time in our present history much seems as of an importance and calculated but still random in the same sense. Myself I've been going through an "spiritual awaking"if you will, over the past year or so maybe It is just all a cycle of energy as the moon and sun aligned the dark and light combined to cast it's powerful self within our verse , it was almost like a sign to show us that anything is possible and with combined mind and spirit we can find replenishment and a higher mental awareness ,we are all connected to this earth and universe once we find this to be true in our hearts only then will we be able to build our pyramid of paradise .    - Adam M. C/S        

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hard at work ; )

My new edition to my collection of art/tattoos done by my buddy Redd Moreno, "Live Free" what it means to me personally to be free is all state of mind, we all are burdened by the worlds pressures it's how you handle them is what makes a difference . be Free peoples Live it . Adam M. C/S

Thursday, May 17, 2012

As the anniversary of my day approaches I sit here and think, I can't help but to take a step back and look at where I stand at this point of time in my life and all the many paths I've taken to get here, I have chosen all of my actions and created my own destinies through out my time, though many of them have been wrong decisions they all lead to me the 2012 Adam ,  I have to admit that my Family has played a big part in my strength, I don't know what the future holds but I know the past , you can shape the future by understanding history so I'm  just going to keep applying my lessons and everyone else's that I've taken from and continue to seek a higher mind and spirit awareness and share my thoughts and perspectives with the world . Adam M. C/S

Monday, May 14, 2012

So today I made a long thought out decision to get a tattoo on my face , at this point in my life I feel most at balance with my mind and spirit and the pyramid to me represents a parallel of a balanced state mind and a strong spirit just like the base of a pyramid it is stable and practical  witch transcends with my way of thinking and how I feel , just like a pyramid my free spirit will stand the test of time and even when my body rests one day, my thoughts will resonate through the minds of many and live on , my spirit can not be broken no matter what .   Adam M. C/S

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"Respect" Mark M.

The Search

”“What is everyone in search for , I question the subject constantly , though thy own self is learned to be as one mind body soul earth and universe, a clear mind is the key stimulation through creation not destruction, the systematic cycle of nothing eats away at time just as time consumes your own being , how much will you allow to inhibit your senses ,it just repeats and repeats and repeats and repeats its self, we are much greater than and empty bottle or a wasted second on senseless actions, just stop and think, it’s all bullshit in the end if you let this system rule your soul and mind ,be the master of your own fate follow your dreams and know your destiny if you don’t maybe it’s time to do a little soul searching ,only then you will find what you are looking for, true happiness. respect is everything . much luv Adam


So I took these photos the other night I don't know but I was kind of in a weird mood that day I just felt like my positives and negative energy was unbalanced I mean I didn't feel mad ,sad, or happy just drained so that night when I was riding home from the shop as I looked up at the stars as I always do I noticed the moon was on fire I felt drawn to it like it was calling me out , so I headed out alone to take some pictures and feed off the moon's energy , any how to conclusion I was partly replenished after my time out , being in touch with the universe can ease your mental if you let it but you must fist disconnect from all fabrications that we call life and spiral out of the lines ....
Maynard lyrics are so true .

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

This My first tattoo Portrait looking forward to doing more in the near future their a lot of fun
The legend.


I am the worlds light those who surround me leave their steps in the night , I am the moon in the nights sky reflecting off the waves in the distance , I am that raging river that roars through the sky reaching Mountains , I am the feathers in a eagles wings carrying the thoughts of a free mind , I am me dreamer lover destroyer creator, I am free .  -Adam M
“At times I feel alone the air around me at times feels like a cage my thoughts scream out silently while my soul is accompanied by rage, My fluttering thoughts scatter in my mind like a thousand moths trapped in a lampshade, At times I feel alone my heart like a glacier cold hard and beautiful while floating in time lighter then a feather , My love remains in the distance unseen like an ocean storm clashing in every direction , At times if feel alone when I’m not the night stars keep me alive my thoughts in mind help me unwind through this ever turning hourglass of time I continue to hold my sign of life up high protesting for the awake of self and mind, to live and die free, free your mind and your soul will be ! Adam M”

Some days I feel this way.
Santana eases my mind when I need it.
Sometimes my mind feels so imprisoned within the walls of fabricated thoughts just trying to get out all the things swarming around in there when I’m surrounded with so many minds that are content with just riding on the surface , I’m like an addict of constant deep sea diving projections and expressions of mental “pointless” thoughts ,I say pointless because the masses find it to be , sometimes I wonder why I feel the burden of all humanity, my awareness is elevated sometimes exceeding my sanity ,the short comings of every contradicting action of history, present and future sickens my soul, while this clockwise whirlpool of bullshit conspires to pull our souls into nothingness I swim fatigued and powerfully counterclockwise in direction with others a like , Is it a curse I question but in the end I accept my destiny I’m not A saint, my heart is light witch keeps my at times over weighed soul at a balanced state , It’s crazy I’m chill and easy going but I’ve been given a mental mind of chaos in fact I’ve been blessed , with the freedom of question and knowledge or it’s just my ever seeking soul in witch’s compels me, or it’s a little bit of both, whatever the case it is still left to be determined , my journey continues …. much love -Adam M. C/S
My buddy Chris at the shop doing the cool guy robot lol

So this night I walked up eight stories on top of a parking garage to get some good photos I took this with my tripod set up It was a really mentally clearing night .