Monday, July 23, 2012

The Battle For Infinite Passion (Love)

Loving and fighting are but two different words, even opposing each other’s meaning. But when those two come together as one, they become different- a rather worthwhile, wonderful thing- fighting for love. Nonetheless, we seldom perfect out battle for love. We seldom master the way we treat love. We seldom know how far we should go, or when we should already stop. We actually can never tell what’s right from wrong when we’re loving, and so we get confused on whether we should keep fighting or start moving to the opposite direction.

Fighting for love…. How is that supposed to be done? How are we to know if we are fighting for the right person? That is rather tough to know. Nevertheless, we don’t think that way when we are on the process of fighting. We ask ourselves, “How do I know she/he’s the one?”, and then find ourselves answering back, “I just know.”

Yes, that’s just it. “You just know.” Because when we love, we think of what feels right, not of what we know is righteous. We feel it in our gut that we’re doing the right thing- for the moment, for our lives, for our happiness. We fight for love because we know that winning the battle is what would make us happy. We fight for love not because we “know” it’s worth it but because we “feel” it’s worth it.

True, it is, that we must be certain that we are facing a battle for all the good reasons, for all that’s best for us, for love. But how can we know? How do we know? Love is the most wonderful yet the most difficult thing in the whole, wide world to ever define or even just recognize. Nonetheless, we go on with hurting ourselves, inflicting pain on ourselves. We invest too much with and for love because we “feel” that no matter what, it will all be worth it- because we “feel” that we love the person. Yes, we don’t know if we are in love with the person… We feel that. And sometimes, “feeling it” means more than anything else. It means more than what people would think of you. It means more than making a fool out of yourself. It means more than lying and doing all the worst things you could ever do for love. It means turning your back to everything else in the world but love because you are certain that for whomever you are fighting, may you be right or wrong, in the end, it will be your decision that will prevail among anything else. Fighting for love is a decision we make. Thus, whatever the consequences, we will have to face them… During and after the battle. It could be beautiful, it could be harsh. But in the end knowing that you gave it your all will be all that matters reguardless if you been heart broken . A.M.

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