Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Confilct of mind

Some times it takes someone to love you to make you realize how much of a mess your are , all your unintentional actions become you, and you find yourself in a spiraling circle of mindful and unmindful thoughts ,over analyzing separating your body from your mind , all while innocent minds bear the burden of your conflicted mind you continue to project all of yourself and nothing of yourself equaling into a unpredictable and a perceived being , until you realize what has been sustaining you has also been consuming you , your conflicted mind , allows you too express your soul from deep within but also confines your most truest thoughts, in the end the awaking reality shines it's dangerous face upon your heart realizing a balance must be set in stone .To achieve acceptance of freedom within your mind and heart.  A.M. C/S   L.B.    

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