Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Confilct of mind

Some times it takes someone to love you to make you realize how much of a mess your are , all your unintentional actions become you, and you find yourself in a spiraling circle of mindful and unmindful thoughts ,over analyzing separating your body from your mind , all while innocent minds bear the burden of your conflicted mind you continue to project all of yourself and nothing of yourself equaling into a unpredictable and a perceived being , until you realize what has been sustaining you has also been consuming you , your conflicted mind , allows you too express your soul from deep within but also confines your most truest thoughts, in the end the awaking reality shines it's dangerous face upon your heart realizing a balance must be set in stone .To achieve acceptance of freedom within your mind and heart.  A.M. C/S   L.B.    

Monday, June 25, 2012

my first long over due color pinup, still needs one more session ,It was lot's of fun
“Weapons of Mass Destruction” is a phrase that has been quoted through out our history it has shaped our past and molded our present , the future is ours to sculpt if we choose to , to do so we must reshape our minds into a different state, a mental of progression through creation , to rise above what has been condition to us from the beginning of fabricated institutions. Let’s move forward and start with a new chapter and rephrase  weapons of mass destruction to WEAPONS OF MASS CREATION ! A.M. C/S

Sunday, June 24, 2012

 Aztec tattoo done in two sessions

Did this tattoo the other day although it's not a big or high detailed tattoo it's meaning is pretty awesome I was just blogging about creation the night before when this kid came in the next day to get this tattoo he was a youngster and I talked to him on my thoughts about or ability to create and how we are so conditioned to destroy and how we posses the power of the present to mold the future in our own realm , to conclude we are the creators of our time, so expand your world through your creativity ! . A. M. C/S

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Cycle

The cycle of destruction and creation or own depictions reflect this photo a beautiful and scary sight as our burning blood runs through our hearts reluctantly flowing out into the cold raging seas of  life destructively creating a new path a new road, as souls connect and passion steams through our porous skins our minds soak up the exhilarating feelings through our veins just like a dope fiend shooting up some artificial black death, at that moment it is beautifully, destructively creating, and after the chaos passes silence the background with storms in the horizons en-silence ....        A.M. C/S