Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fresh Minds

This is a video that Christopher E Brown , Nathan Houtz and I participated in just over 2 1/2 years ago at Gangplank in chandler AZ , initially this may seem a bit much maybe going to far , but the truth is from birth we are shaped by our social conditioning that is held together by the institutions that govern our lives , this state (which in reality doesn't truly exist) has held back our hungry creative minds , our teachers that are put at the bottom of the "budget" or subject , should be held at the highest level it should be a honor to be able teach and learn with these fresh minds "our children" they are the future. The key is to look ahead, really think forward our educational system is out dated just as many others are , we the time holders the ones that acquired this knowledge and wisdom through our experiences have the power to help shape this path for the youth to destinations of free thinking and free minds eradicating the status quo , breaking out of the geological blind folds that bound us from our true existence that we are all one community , these dogma's divide us , my point is there is much to be learned so don't limit yours and you're kids minds by what is, instead think what can be and make it a reality in your mind then manifestation will follow , we are an emergent species and the speed of that is all on us free your mind.

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