Friday, November 8, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Beautiful Thorns

The beauty of the holder as said with in the nebula's of the seer , the painful clinch of colors flowing through the galaxies of the cold warm bodies in existence, floating on the pedals bloomed from inner soils planted amongst the gray trees with red roses inflicting their
thorns upon the vulnerable 
, thermal vibrations radiating through, placed inside, safe and sound, shades of colors 
feeding the fire , roses hiding the the sunrise on the fluorescent skyline, slowly embedding the beautiful thorns, drawing the light forth hidden in the shadows ... A.M.        

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Out There

A Gaze into the distance, a tunnel of twisting time, spiraling my experiences through the mind , shedding light into the shadows with no grasp to shelter memories, sinking the barrels held up by thoughts of fresh air , into the atoms of my electrical impulses , fighting to vision what has devised past permissions , speeding through the rhythms with no defenition , looking through a glass with a faint reflection the thoughts of time being projected into the stars leaving millions of Love Boosting Traces swimming through my being trying find the reality and paths to what lies out there . AM 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Future

The possibility for a new future is born every day , the fresh minds  of our children are able to take in whatever is put in front of them  to become their reality , it is a battle of mind to reach a shifting point to where we teach each other that possession of physical objects are less important  compared to physical and mental connection with all living things , there is much more to all of us than we my know but one thing is for sure is you can feel it when you wake up everyday we are beautiful beings we just have realize what we already are and teach our young this they are the future and they will be the creators of time and reality , truth is our destiny and will always be , we must feed the soil of our seeds so they may grow  closer to our true destiny , the living in the state of truth . AM  

Monday, September 30, 2013

My Depths

"The world was on fire no one could save me but you , strange what desire make foolish people do " -Corey Taylor 

Saturday, September 28, 2013


I am the universe's light, my thoughts are the wick in a candle feeding the flame in the dark, I am the moon in the night's sky reflecting off the waves in the distance, I am the raging river that roars through the sky reaching mountains, I am the feathers in a eagles wings carrying the thoughts of a free mind, I am me dreamer, lover, destroyer, creator, thinker, the architect of my illusions. - Adam M   
tattoo artist, artist, writer, blogger, thinker

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fresh Minds

This is a video that Christopher E Brown , Nathan Houtz and I participated in just over 2 1/2 years ago at Gangplank in chandler AZ , initially this may seem a bit much maybe going to far , but the truth is from birth we are shaped by our social conditioning that is held together by the institutions that govern our lives , this state (which in reality doesn't truly exist) has held back our hungry creative minds , our teachers that are put at the bottom of the "budget" or subject , should be held at the highest level it should be a honor to be able teach and learn with these fresh minds "our children" they are the future. The key is to look ahead, really think forward our educational system is out dated just as many others are , we the time holders the ones that acquired this knowledge and wisdom through our experiences have the power to help shape this path for the youth to destinations of free thinking and free minds eradicating the status quo , breaking out of the geological blind folds that bound us from our true existence that we are all one community , these dogma's divide us , my point is there is much to be learned so don't limit yours and you're kids minds by what is, instead think what can be and make it a reality in your mind then manifestation will follow , we are an emergent species and the speed of that is all on us free your mind.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Time machine minds

When a new idea presents it self it is first shot down deemed illogical , crazy and so forth , the great minds the technicians of our world are ready to emerge from the propaganda and the lies , and break free from the mental chains that have hindered their thoughts of becoming realities , the entire system that which we live by is not sustainable and is out dated , our technology has exponentially grown since the industrial revolution and is now to point where we are able ,with focused research , to live on totally free energy forever , but this is where your thoughts become so powerful beyond your comprehension , that you're seeking out a truth that exist past our vision of time into the future , will help shape our lives by learning more about new ways to enhance our lives by managing our resources and environment and erraticating the current unsustainable repugnant institutions that govern our lives by implementing new ideas new ways of living , there is much energy we can harness and we are born with it , it should be clear to you and ourselves that this is taken from us at birth by our social conditioning and our systems , we are enslaved by the monetary system we are just paid slaves trying make something that can never truly enrich our lives , this way of living is all we have been taught and is embedded in our minds , but we have the ability to think for ourselves and compare factual equations it is how we exist today , everyone can live truly free, maybe these thoughts are ahead of its time but in time our belief systems will change and our insufficient ways of doing things will fall it is a "progress trap" their can be no progress when everything is done backwards , and where this change will come from in the future will be from the manifestations of  our thoughts today , coming to a realization that we and every living thing on this planet are all connected , that we cannot be without one another, will help you see that we must seek to learn a new way , so that we may shape the future into abundance of life and energy and sustainability for the common good for all living things not just ourselves without governments, laws ,money, religion these are fabricated false truths . Your thoughts are the future and that is one second away from the last thought , free your mind and see beneath the layers of illusions and you will find pure life, harness your energy of truth .  -A.M

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Words of stones

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a saying from when I was a kid , when I heard it then I could never know the true meaning or how deeply this was way off , not only until recent times I can fully understand how powerful words can be, they have shaped our history . Words are not physical objects in our world they cannot be held in your hands they cannot be physically thrown at someone , but we hold them in our minds and throw them with our tongues, resulting in far much more damage than a cut our a bruise , it can have years of damage or even death , our delicate minds can only sustain so much beating before it breaks our spirit , you can't take back what is said once you have said it , we must learn to be mindful and chose our words wisely don't speak until you know what you are saying , we have all been on both sides of the stones , in the end what matters is knowing that you where wrong and knowing what you truly feel and then expressing that to one another , we can all live and love each other if we could just learn to be mindful of our words and show forgiveness when  repentance is shown , so this saying in it's true meaning I believe is for us to reflect on what we say and shows us that words can and do hurt us , so once you come to this realization then you may apply it the best you can , and more we find meaning in these hidden lessons the more we can become one with our true self's thus we can learn to love one another .    Adam M.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

In The End

From the darkness.... the Beginning of life is manifested A conciseness a thought, a creation of mind, of purpose, of light... moving through life like a celestial piece of the universe, destiny is left to our path and choices, In the end only to return in the night.............      

Friday, January 4, 2013

The good byes of tomorrow

A stained sound of a whisper, a voice of a close distant memory ...                                                       A imprinted touch, a displaced valley in the heart...                                                                A burned image through my vision, a color blinded silhouette...                                                             A shivering warm empty hand, a cold steady grasp...                                                                       A exhaling soulless breath, a patience quick death...                                                                                           A goodbye of tomorrow , a lingering yesterday of sorrow...   AM

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Reflection into 13

As 2012 comes to a pass many thoughts come to mind , as I reflect on the events that have taken place, some of the decision's that were made may have not been fully thought out With others in mind, a bit of selfishness was my dictator into the impulsive paths I chose to follow , I have been wrong in a over lapping repetitive manner, reckless may be a word,  but I can't let my thoughts be filled with so much regret because my conscience won't allow my actions to shape my true self , though I have displayed a undesirable side , redemption and forgiveness is my freedom, and a realization is my savior   as I look forward, the future may be uncertain to a degree but the rest I will hold in my hands, my desire to mold a better self I must let keep me,  a balanced state of mind and heart will be my recipe, love and respect, not pain and shadows, a open heart and mind,  so now as I  enter a new year I continue my journey for truth from within .