Sunday, March 24, 2013

Words of stones

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a saying from when I was a kid , when I heard it then I could never know the true meaning or how deeply this was way off , not only until recent times I can fully understand how powerful words can be, they have shaped our history . Words are not physical objects in our world they cannot be held in your hands they cannot be physically thrown at someone , but we hold them in our minds and throw them with our tongues, resulting in far much more damage than a cut our a bruise , it can have years of damage or even death , our delicate minds can only sustain so much beating before it breaks our spirit , you can't take back what is said once you have said it , we must learn to be mindful and chose our words wisely don't speak until you know what you are saying , we have all been on both sides of the stones , in the end what matters is knowing that you where wrong and knowing what you truly feel and then expressing that to one another , we can all live and love each other if we could just learn to be mindful of our words and show forgiveness when  repentance is shown , so this saying in it's true meaning I believe is for us to reflect on what we say and shows us that words can and do hurt us , so once you come to this realization then you may apply it the best you can , and more we find meaning in these hidden lessons the more we can become one with our true self's thus we can learn to love one another .    Adam M.