Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Thou He may return to restore all that is been tainted by his creation ,those shall breath once more ,I shall not be blinded by thy own self ,so much beauty in the mist of destruction,I welcome Replenishment I fiend for satisfied questions ,May we be free’d of our unlearned lessons.. - Adam M. C/S

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

So as my great weekend comes and end I would like to reflect a little bit, So at the family bbq when it came time for the kids to come out and find the decorated eggs at that moment as they came out everything was slow motion for me ,and then my mind went into thinking mode evaluating the situation on a deeper level .As they entered the outside world with confused looks on their faces not knowing exactly why but instinctively put one step in front of the other and ran for the eggs as they all collected the them and placed them in their baskets I couldn’t help but to think how this action was apart of our evolution of growth even though the children where oblivious to the fact , As we progress through life we are always in search of things to help complete our lives hence collecting eggs into your own basket , so once all the kids baskets were full and they where happy at that moment it only lasted for a minute and then their minds focused on something else ,so my take from all this is don’t put all your eggs in one basket because once it’s full it’s full , so keep on chasing those eggs of life . : ) - Adam M (My Niece Angie)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

No matter where we all are at in life we all are living so if you feel you are not take a deep breath and be blessed for it, Because one more second one more breath of life ,so many fight for ,your smiles and cries are everything ,time is moving fast so don’t try to swim faster , keep breathing people .. much luv -Adam M. C/S